Heroes and Heroines come at all ages. This is NO exception. Six of Otis Mason's grandchildren are safe after his 9-year-old granddaughte...
The fire broke out in Mason's Nassau County, Florida home Monday night, the home he had lived in since 1984. They did not see the kids because 9-year-old Shakira Rollo sprang into action immediately when she heard "fire."
"When I saw the fire, I was thinking about the kids, so I got them out - my brothers, my sister, my cousins - and took them outside for safety," said Shakira. "It's going to be OK, don't worry about it," Shakira told them.
Check the video here:
An account has been set up at the Southeastern Bank in Nassau County for those who want to help the family. Shakira, you are So Stadium Status!!
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