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Visa DOWN: WikiLeaks Supporters Take Down Site As 'Payback' (BLOG)

"Just hours after MasterCard's website was disabled by WikiLeaks supporters, is now down as well. Via its Twitter account ...

Visa Down Operation Payback

"Just hours after MasterCard's website was disabled by WikiLeaks supporters, is now down as well.

Via its Twitter account (@Anon_Operation), Anonymous, an activist hacker group, claimed responsibility for the denial of service attack--part of 'Operation Payback'--that brought down

'TARGET: WWW.VISA.COM :: FIRE FIRE FIRE!!! WEAPONS ::: SET YOUR LOIC TO ::: #DDOS #PAYBACK #WIKILEAKS,' Anonymous tweeted. Shortly after it posted a tweet that read, ' IT'S DOWN! KEEP FIRING!!! #DDOS #PAYBACK #WIKILEAKS.'

Anonymous explains that Operation Payback is 'an ongoing campaign by Anonymous against major anti-piracy & anti-freedom entities.'

MasterCard and Visa are among many sites that have been targeted--and taken down--by 'hacktivists.' Websites belonging to Swiss bank PostFinance, Senator Joe Lieberman, PayPal, and Sarah Palin have also been disabled.

Like MasterCard, Visa also announced that it would suspend payments to WikiLeaks, a move that has rankled WikiLeaks supporters."

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