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Drugs Now Being Catapulted over the Border (Blog)

Forget border hopping and sewing drugs into car cushions. Mexican smugglers have found a far more creative way to push pot north of the bord...

Forget border hopping and sewing drugs into car cushions. Mexican smugglers have found a far more creative way to push pot north of the border: via giant catapults.

Two massive drug catapults were found in the Mexican state of Sonora, about 20 yards from the U.S. border in Arizona, the Associated Press tells us.

Resting on SUV flatbeds, each of the ancient contraptions were capable of flinging 4.4 pounds of marijuana over the border at a time.

National Guard troops found the first machine on Wednesday, and local soldiers followed an anonymous tip to the second one Agua Prieta on Thursday. They seized the vehicles, the catapults, and 35 pounds of the drug.

It's too bad officials snatched the weed, because one California inventor could use the supply to fuel his new line of medical marijuana soda pop.

Soquel, Calif., resident Clay Butler plans to develop and distribute "soda pot," soft drinks infused with THC, to medical marijuana dispensaries across the state, according to the Associated Press.

For between $10 and $12, anyone suffering from a pot-remedied ailment can to sip on flavors mimicking typical soft drinks, including Doc Weed, a Dr. Pepper imitation; Sour Diesel, a lemon-lime concoction; Grape Ape; and Orange Kush.

The sodas would pair well with the pot-fueled Thanksgiving dinner one marijuana activist prepared last November, according to AOL News.

Kim Twolan, a columnist for Nug Mag, contends that the best treatment for cancer patients is pot - and she can personally attest to its power: She used the drug to ease nausea during battles with ovarian and breast cancer, and said that marijuana was consistently more effective than prescribed pharmaceutical drugs.

To help other cancer patients enjoy their Thanksgiving dinners, she whipped up some classic weed-laced holiday recipes, including "Bird Stuffing a la Motta," which combines traditional stuffing ingredients with "cannabutter."

Of course, Twolan recommends just one enhanced dish per meal. "Otherwise, you're going to have very dull dinner conversation," she said in the AOL column.

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