Ever dream of being a reality TV star? Fantasize about having your heart broken by an eligible bachelor or being the next singing sensation?...
"The Bachelor" on ABC
Brad Womack recently proposed to Emily Maynard in the "most dramatic rose ceremony ever." But before the last petal falls off the stem, ABC is casting the next set of potential young lovers. If you want to find the man or woman of your dreams while America watches, check out "The Bachelor" casting website. Applicants must be single, over 18, and not running for any political office (that's what it says, folks). There will be open casting calls in nine major cities during the months of May and June. To date the only location announced is a New York City audition on June 23. And if you're not interested yourself but have an idea for the perfect candidate, you can also nominate someone — and they don't even have to know. Check the casting site for more details and to find an audition in a city near you.
"The X Factor" on Fox
Simon Cowell is at it again. This time he's filling in Fox's programming gap between seasons of his old show, "American Idol." On his new star-locating vehicle, "The X Factor," Cowell is looking for performers ages 12 and up with that "it" quality. Do you have it? There are open calls in six cities nationwide beginning on Sunday, March 27, in Los Angeles. The Miami, Newark, Seattle, Chicago, and Dallas auditions take place in the following weeks through May 26. To attend an audition you must go to the venue the day before to get a wristband and seating assignment. The day of, be prepared to sing a verse and a chorus of three songs. All paperwork that needs to be filled out prior to the audition is available at "The X Factor" casting site.
"The Biggest Loser" on NBC
Do you have more than 100 pounds to shed and want to do it on national TV with Bob Harper kicking your butt? The in-person casting calls are over, but it's not too late for a video submission. The deadline is April 8. Visit "The Biggest Loser" casting site for an application and instructions for shooting the tape. They want to see your personality, get to know you and your routine, learn why you need to lose weight, and find out some of your favorite foods and places to eat. If you're ready to change your life, it's not too late.
"Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" on ABC
If your home is in need of major renovations and you have a compelling, tug-at-your-heartstrings kind of story, you may qualify to be featured on "Extreme Makeover." The producers are looking for "inspirational and deserving" candidates who can't afford to update their homes to livable standards. Or if you know of a worthy applicant, friends or even total strangers can nominate a potential family. The application process is ongoing, so there is no deadline to enter, but it can take several months to hear back after a tape has been submitted. The paperwork involves details about your family and your home, what kinds of repairs you need, why you are in your current situation, and what you do to give back to your community. And if you can't afford a video camera, you can submit photos. For more information and to download an application, visit the "Extreme Makeover" casting site.
"Face Off" on Syfy
Syfy's new competition series "Face Off" just crowned its freshmen year winner, Conor McCullagh. Now the show has been green lit for a second season and is looking for up-and-coming special effects makeup artists. Contestants can be trained or self-taught, but the competition is stiff and the challenges are difficult. If you think you have the imagination and the chops to create creatures and full character transformations, visit the "Face Off" casting site for an application. It asks questions about your makeup skills as well as interpersonal questions, like how you get along with others and whether you have a good relationship with your family. Competitors live in a loft with other designers, after all, so producers need to see how the characters will mesh (or not). Then bring the application to one of two open casting calls being held on Saturday, April 9, in New York or Sunday, April 10, in Los Angeles, where you will be asked to create special effects makeup on yourself. Callbacks are the following day in each city. If you can't make it to L.A. or New York, you can submit an audition tape showing your makeup transformation. Online submissions are due by Tuesday, April 12.
By Amy and Nancy Harrington, Pop Culture Passionistas,
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