Music is so tasteful. To appreciate the exquisiteness behind the elements of music, one must know it's foundation. Enter Estelle, the so...
The Grammy-Award winner recently shot her video for her first single, "Break My Heart" featuring the telfon don Rick Ross, garnering great response.
We were able to sit down with Estelle to talk about her single, dealing with paparazzi while being in a relationship, and being a role model for the young listeners. You have the single "Break My Heart" with Rick Ross, which is doing pretty well right now. I just want to know how the song came about?
Estelle: I had the beat chillin', looking at me. I was getting toward the end of the album, had a bunch of songs sent to me. I was like "This beat is kinda special." I went to the studio and was thinking, "This beat is crazy." I didn't know what to do with the hook. I always start from the hook, then name the song from the hook. I went home and I just wrote the whole thing. I didn't want it to be an ordinary "Oh my heart's broken," "I hate this man"-type song. I wanted it to be something people can be hopeful about, and that guys and girls can relate to. And that was it. The track is great and you're talking about heart's being broken. I know woman have a tendency of having their hearts broken. I was wondering, did past experiences contribute to making the song?
Estelle: Not about some random idea I had in the air. It was real (laughs). I moved to New York and I was having a random attack, so "American Boy" (giggles) ... it's that real. I'm not the type of artist that can just get on a song and be told what's supposed to happen. I'm not that person. I can't write, I can't live like that. I really have to relate to it and that's how I live my life. That's why it takes me so damn long to come up with an album. I've had my heart broken too many times, so please don't do it again. Don't mess with me (jokingly). I have fun being single. I think a lot of girls are scared to say that, to be that honest and real with their men. I know this for sure, that women use these songs as a way to communicate. So, that was me just being brave enough to say it and brave enough to be the person that does it. Ya know?
It's kind of therapy for me. It really is. I get a chance to talk to my students. That's good . It gives you the chance to free your mind. It's crazy because I know for you being a woman in the industry, you touched on it a little bit, on how difficult it can be to maintain a healthy relationship with the paparazzi and temptations just forming around you and your partner?
Estelle: I think, for me personally, on my end of it, I was in a relationship for a good two years in London, while I was doing my first album and nobody knew. I try my best to not give people my business. I don't put it out there. I don't think my boyfriend is going to help my brand. The most inside you'll get into my life is me writing about whatever relationship I'm in, or you might see me out too much, but that's it (laughs). Imagine how you'd feel? I mean nobody is perfect.
In relationships you have to be real, so imagine whomever you're with is constantly being victimized, constantly have people digging into their business and that's crazy. It's rough.
Estelle: Right! It's rough. I choose not to do that to whomever I'm with. I don't blame you. It's crazy because you just touched on this not to long ago, about how with every record you write, you're putting yourself out there. Many artists are scared of showing the fans their weaknesses and vulnerabilities. With that being said, on the new album All Of Me, do you offer your fans an even closer look at not what only makes Estelle a singer, but you as a person?
Estelle: Absolutely. I really want people to know that I'm comfortable with me. I'm happy with me. I'm not bothered by anyone's perception of who I'm supposed to be. This is me and I'm not scared to put it out there. I really want people to get me, understand where I'm coming from, and what I'm saying. From the last album, the song "More than Friends," I was like shy. "American Boy," I was more comfortable. I'm not trying to be perfect. I'm not trying to be the role model of life. I'm trying to be a real human being. I just want to make really good music that people give a sh** about. That's the basis of it. I also want them to understand that because I'm from London, doesn't mean that it's not the same sh**, but in a different currency. I think a lot of people think you come from London, so you're rich. No, I'm not. I want people to understand how real it is and what my struggle is and why I do the sh** I do. This is not a joke for me. It's my life. Wow. When you say that, it bugs me out because a lot of people now-a-days, it feels like when they make a single or a track, it's like they chase the radio. With your music, it feels like everything came together organically.
Estelle: I just do what the hell I do because I like it. I do the stuff I love and I feel like there are people who love it too. Do you feel like a lot of musicians, especially the R&B singers that connect more to the younger age group, do you feel they should be more responsible and accountable for what they say within their lyrics?
Estelle: Yeah, I think they should be responsible for their stuff, especially if they know it's going to be some embarrassment. Forget the money, because you're going to have money either way. It may take you longer. It may take a different route to get it, but I just feel like you need to be careful of what you're giving these kids to sing. I agree 100%. Another thing I noticed and I think you noticed it too, is that a lot of artists now have a tendency to release their albums on a yearly basis. They feel, to stay relevant, they wanna release two albums within a year. Do you feel that when you release your projects at a two, three-year difference, you're in a better space musically and creatively when you work on your album? Rather than rush the material out?
Estelle: Yeah, you don't get to physically grow as a human being. I've always approached it to being a human being. I have to cater to myself first, and it may put me at a disadvantage because I have to go work all over again, but when things are on the table and the album is released, you're gunna love it. Something you will listen to for ten years, not just for the next year. You have to make a commitment to growing and doing really good work. Do you see where I'm coming from? I completely agree with you on everything you've been saying. That's the first time I can say that about an artist. You're saying a lot of real stuff; I can't even lie. I might have to title the interview "Real Talk With Estelle" ...
Estelle: I'm not even frustrated about it. I don't judge anybody. I know for me, the way I think of music, the way my team thinks of music, the way the people I work with like John and Kanye ... They take their time and they work on their sh**. For your fans out there, can you give them once again the release date of when they can expect All Of Me to come out?
Estelle: All Of Me comes out in September. I think right now, it's the second week of September. The single is out now on iTunes, "Break My Heart." Can the fans expect another reunion with John Legend or Kanye? Can we expect that on the album?
Estelle: On the album, definitely with John Legend. I think it's exciting when we work together. I think we should just do a duet album at some point. That's what I was just about to ask you...
Estelle: I think we should. We haven't spoken about it. Maybe we'll do something. Common is on the new album. Oh really? That's big. You've worked with a lot of artists -- robin Thicke, John Legend, Kanye. Are there any artists that you're still looking at on your wish list, and you're like, "We have to get a record?"
Estelle: I would love to work with Mary [J. Blige]. She's my idol. I just love her. I'm a big fan of Shania Twain. I think she's amazing. I'm also a big fan of Jim Jones, Dipset. That would be a really interesting track. That would be dope. I will definitely be checking for it.
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