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20-year-old man ticketed for 35th time for driving without a license (BLOG)

A 20-year-old Elyria man has been cited for driving without a license for the 35th time. As you might imagine, he's made dozens of court...

A 20-year-old Elyria man has been cited for driving without a license for the 35th time. As you might imagine, he's made dozens of court appearances.

Mondrell Green, 20, is no stranger to the Elyria Police Department or the courtroom. According to police, Green never had a driver's license but it hasn't stopped him from getting behind the wheel.

Elyria police responded to 15th Street for a report of someone waving a gun out of a car window Friday night. When officers spotted a vehicle in the area, they knew Green shouldn't be driving.

"He's 20-years-old and, as far as we can tell, he's never had a license," said Lt. Andrew Eichenlaub with Elyria police.

They pulled the car over and Green was ticketed. But records showed it was the 35th time Green got nabbed by police for a driving-related offense.

"If we see Mr. Green out driving under suspension again, he'll be cited and sent back to the court." said Eichenlaub. "How many times a person violates the law doesn't necessarily mean it violates the level of the crime each time. The judges only have so many tools in their toolbox, whether it be jail space or what the law allows them to do."

Driving violations aren't always an offense punishable by jail time. Sometimes the strictest penalty is a fine and community service.

Green will appear in court on Tuesday for the most recent offense. He's also facing an underage consumption charge

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