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Muslim man sues WA employer for firing over beard (BLOG, HISTORY)

SEATTLE (AP) — A Seattle-area Muslim man is suing his former employer, claiming he was fired as a security guard for refusing to shave the b...

SEATTLE (AP) — A Seattle-area Muslim man is suing his former employer, claiming he was fired as a security guard for refusing to shave the beard he wears for religious reasons.

Abdulkadir Omar, 22, filed his federal lawsuit July 15 in Seattle against Sacramento-based American Patriot Security, seeking back pay and unspecified damages for emotional pain and loss of enjoyment of life, among other reasons.

"Growing up in this country, where the Bill of Rights guarantees freedom of religion, I was let down," Omar said Thursday at a press conference.

According to the lawsuit, Omar was hired by a local manager of the security company in May 2009 and earned $9 an hour guarding a FedEx warehouse in Kent, Wash. He said he started the same day he was hired, and was not told about the clean-shaven policy.

In November 2009, a supervisor from headquarters told him he had to shave his beard because of company policy. Omar responded that his beard is part of his religious beliefs and refused. He was suspended, and then fired the following spring, the lawsuit said.

A representative from American Patriot Security declined to answer questions.

"Everyone in the company is clean shaven," Omar said. "And I chose not."

Omar filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which found that he was wrongfully terminated and had the right to sue, according to a press release by the Council for American-Islamic Relations.

"There's no policy that can go against the law of the land," said Arsalan Bukhari, executive director of the Washington state chapter of CAIR. "Civil Rights Act trumps any (company) policy."

Bukhari said companies need to accommodate someone's religious beliefs unless it's an "undue burden."

Mary Fan, a law professor at the University of Washington, said that there are very limited exceptions to the protections provided by the Civil Rights Act against employers impinging on a person's religious grooming.

"If the company is worried about customers who don't like people who have beards and look Muslim — that's exactly what the law is set to protect against," she said.

Omar, originally from Yemen, immigrated to the U.S. when he was 10 years old. He said he's a naturalized citizen. His beard covers his face and doesn't extend past his chin.

Omar said he learned about the security guard job through his brother, who worked for the company as well. Asked if his brother experienced similar difficulties or if he still worked for the company, Omar declined to answer.

He did say that he doesn't want his job back because found a better job.

Asked if he's ready for the attention the lawsuit will bring, Omar said he was ready, but didn't allow photographers to take pictures of his face.

History of the "BEARD"

According to Islamic scholars, Beard is considered as Wajib (Mandatory) to Muslims. It is known as beauty of a Muslim.Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Verily, Allah is Beautiful and loves beauty”. Allah Almighty only choose best and beautiful things for us. So we should need to obey His orders, as He knows better than anybody.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that Beard is the one that distinguish you as a Muslim with Non-believers. So it is a sign of righteous people.
How Long Beard Will Be:

Some people have misunderstanding in this part but Islam said really clear things on length of beard. Muslim beard should need atleast one hand, greater the better. Here are some very clear proofs on beard length.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says: “Trim closely the moustache, and let the beard flow (Grow).” – Narrated Ibn Umar (R.A.) in Muslim Shareef, Hadith # 498. Same thing said in Hadith # 499, 500, 501, 449.

Tirmidhi narrated that Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Umar (R.A) used to cut the beard which was exceeded then his hand grip.

Also all the four Imam of Islam agreed on this point that beard length should not less than one hand. So if your beard is less than one hand, it is considered as Makrooh-e-Tehrimi(close to haram).
Shave Is Haram In Islam:

Let be clear, shaving is totally haram in Islam without any doubt. Check this Hadith as a clear evidence, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Anyone who shaves has no claim to the mercy of Allah” – Reported by Ibn Abbas (R.A.) in Tibrabi. According to Scholars, “To shave off the beard is unlawful (Haram) and one who shaves his beard is legally speaking an unrighteous fellow (FASIQ); hence, it is not permissible to appoint such a man as an Imam. To say Taraweeh behind such an Imam is Makrooh-e-Tehrimi (near prohibition)” (Shami Vol.1, p.523).

I think it is very clear that shaving is haram in Islam without any doubt.
Trimming Is Allowed or Not:

If your beard is more than one hand then you can trim it. But it should not less than one hand.“Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ordered us to trim the moustache closely and spare the beard”says Ibn Umar. – Muslim Shareef, Hadith no. 449.
“Hazrat Jaabir (R.A.) said: “We used to grow long beards and only during Hajj and Umrah did we trim them to the required length (i.e. fist length).”

As I previously said, beard known as male beauty in Islam. So you can trim to get a better shape. Beard should not let grow in a way that makes a person look disgusting to people. In other words, the Muslim should make sure that his beard adds to his smartness and looks cool. But (again saying) what ever you do, it should not cut it down to less than one hand.
Misconceptions Among Muslims on Beard:

These days people are getting more and more westernized especially the youth. They follow their latest styles. But it is not good for us and Islam teachings is totally different from that.

Another thing is while argument, people agreed that beard is Wajib, but length of beard is not mentioned in any hadith, Hence, if you have bit of hair on your face, it would be fine, because it is also called as a beard – This is totally wrong.

Hopefully above proves are more than enough for any person who have any misconceptions on beard. You can read more in details about Misconceptions on beard

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