The Transportation Security Administration apologized Friday to a pregnant flier who said the TSA confiscated her insulin and ice packs at a...
Aaron Nieman, the woman’s husband, told that his wife was traveling alone and the insulin vials were “well under the three ounces required by the TSA.” Nieman said screeners confiscated one full vial, didn’t see another full vial, and left his wife with a third that was nearly half full.
However, the TSA said agents did not confiscate any insulin.
"TSA’s initial review of this incident indicates that our officer did not take the passenger’s medication, only the unfrozen ice pack," TSA said in a statement sent to
"The passenger was advised that she would not be able to bring an oversized, unfrozen ice pack through the checkpoint, but that she could purchase additional ice in the concourse."
The mother-to-be, traveling to a baby shower in Arizona, told 7News, Denver’s local ABC News affiliate, that she had a doctor's note and the medication was labeled correctly. She added that she was forced to arrange to have additional insulin sent to her.
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