The number of advertising pages in print magazines dropped by more than 5 percent during the third quarteraccording to figures released by t...
One of the few magazines to buck the trend was Bloomberg BusinessWeek, which saw a 39 percent increase in its ad pages between July and September. (The ad-free issue on the death of Steve Jobs may dampen the numbers for the magazine's fourth quarter.)
• Newsweek
AD REVENUE: -3.9% | AD PAGES: -10.0%
• Time
AD REVENUE: -1.3% | AD PAGES: -4.0%
• The Economist
AD REVENUE: - 7.0% | AD PAGES: -8.4%
• The Week
AD REVENUE: -11.5% | AD PAGES: -17.2%
The third quarter slide interrupted what has been a positive year for print ad sales for the four newsweeklies, with the exception of Newsweek. Here are the advertising numbers for the newsweeklies through September in 2011, compared to the same period for 2010:
• Newsweek
AD REVENUE: -17.9% | AD PAGES: -22.0%
• Time
AD REVENUE: 7.1% | AD PAGES: 4.2%
• The Economist
AD REVENUE: 3.6% | AD PAGES: 0.4%
• The Week
AD REVENUE: 13.6% | AD PAGES: 7.0%
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