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First lady targets world record for jumping jacks (BLOG)

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Michelle Obama wants to jump into the Guinness World Records book next week by helping break the title for the most peopl...

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Michelle Obama wants to jump into the Guinness World Records book next week by helping break the title for the most people doing jumping jacks in a 24-hour period.

The first lady will lead hundreds of local children in doing one minute of jumping jacks on the South Lawn on Tuesday.

The event will be reviewed by an official from Guinness World Records and will signal the beginning of a 24-hour challenge.

To break the record, more than 20,000 people around the world will need to do jumping jacks for a minute.

National Geographic Kids is leading the effort to break the record.

The exact record to break is 20,425 jumpers, set on March 22, 2011.


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