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5 foods to naturally cleanse your body (BLOG)

With bathing suit season fast approaching, it may be tempting to slim down by popping detox diet pills or slurping your calories in the fo...

With bathing suit season fast approaching, it may be tempting to slim down by popping detox diet pills or slurping your calories in the form of a trendy juice fast. (Get that beach bod with the Look Better Naked! plan) But there’s no such thing as a quick fix. “Instead, incorporate naturally detoxifying fruits, vegetables, and legumes into your diet,” suggests Judy Caplan, MS, RD and spokesperson for the Academy of Dietetics and Nutrition. “You’ll cleanse your body of toxins, and avoid putting them into your body in the first place.” (Search: What are the benefits of detox?) Stock your fridge with these five fortifying foods to combat disease and help regenerate your body the old-fashioned way.

Purple and Red Grapes

Grapes—especially the darker colored variety—burst not only with flavor, but also with health benefits. They’re full of antioxidants and enzymes that can protect you from serious health conditions including heart disease and cancer. Additionally, a compound in grapes called resveratrol has been linked to the upkeep of strong blood vessels, breast cancer prevention, and blood sugar regulation. (Video: Foods that pack a secret sugar high)  Be sure to munch on the fruit rather than sip it in juice form—you’ll get a higher dose of wait-slimming fiber and will avoid taking in added sugar.


This leafy green is high in the antioxidant vitamins A, C, and K. It’s also loaded with dietary fiber, which has been shown to help lower cholesterol, control blood sugar levels, and make you feel fuller for longer. Kale is also recognized as an alkaline food that neutralizes high acidity levels in the blood, and pushes harmful concentrations of uric acid out of your body, according to a 2010 study published in the Nutrition Journal. So sauté it, boil it, or eat it in a salad (unless you have a thyroid problem—Caplan warns that raw kale is goitrogenic, and can reduce the iodine uptake in your thyroid and suppress its functionality).

Red or Black Beans

Legumes work double-duty—they provide the weight-managing fiber of other veggies as well as a huge dose of muscle-building protein. Caplan believes that beans and other plant-based foods are essential to clearing the path for healthy arteries and stress-free organs. Processed foods and animal-based proteins can add unnecessary fat to your diet, with legumes sidestepping these cholesterol and heart health risks. (Search: Best plant-based foods) Instead of a side dish, make beans the star of the meal by incorporating them into a salad with celery, onions, and red peppers—giving you a great source of both plant protein and vegetables.

Brussels Sprouts

One cup of cooked Brussels sprouts contains more than 4 grams of fiber and 62 milligrams of vitamin C, and assist with regenerating other antioxidants within your body. The cruciferous vegetable also has cancer-fighting capabilities that flush carcinogens from your system. To enhance this veggie’s taste, try giving them a light coating of heart-healthy olive oil before roasting them in the oven.


With its bright coloring and tropical heritage, papaya is a refreshing source of antioxidant nutrients including vitamins C and A. Along with a strong supply of fiber, Cornell University ties the fruit’s chymopapain and papain compounds to having a colon-cleansing quality that helps produce enzymes necessary for breaking down protein and harmful waste. Look for papayas with yellow skin that give slightly to pressure to ensure that they’re ripe and ready to enjoy.


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