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Five Reasons AOL Is Smart to Sell Its Patents (BLOG)

AOL’s sale of 800 patents to Microsoft , announced today , might look like selling off the company’s seed corn, a sad surrender to a marke...

AOL’s sale of 800 patents to Microsoft, announced today, might look like selling off the company’s seed corn, a sad surrender to a market that has passed it by. AOL is getting $1.056 billion for the patents and licensing of others to the software giant.
It’s poignant and, to some, a little depressing that some of the patents are those from Netscape, giving to Microsoft pieces of a company that it essentially drove out of business all those years ago.

But that was then, and this is now. For AOL, the deal provides a number of benefits with relatively little downside–especially since it’s retaining 300 patents that it must believe are the most valuable, and that it can continue to license out to others.

Investors seem to agree, since AOL’s shares shot up a stunning 45% in midday trading today. As Ben Schachter of Macquarie Securities put it in a note to investors this morning: “This is a big win for AOL and shareholders, in our view, as the company generated over $1bn in value where investors saw little (if any).”

You never know until years down the road whether patents are more valuable inside a company or licensed out, but here are several reasons why this is probably a smart move for AOL:

* It gets a lot of money for an asset that otherwise would sit idle. In fact, it’s getting a good bit more than many people figured, even if it’s not much more than activist shareholder Starboard Value claimed it could get.

* It got a stock price kick that may fend off shareholder demands to do… well, something. Mining its patents for cash was the main demand of Starboard Value, which has proposed an alternate slate of AOL directors. This may keep it and other shareholders from demanding short-term fixes that may not be in AOL’s best long-term interests.

* It avoids at least some of the current patent battles among much bigger and better-financed companies. Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, and others are furiously buying up and asserting their own patents, all in an attempt to stake out firm ground in new, emerging growth areas such as social networking and the mobile Internet. AOL can’t play in that game, and it’s smart to recognize it should take the money and run instead.

* AOL now can move on, unlike Yahoo, another embattled Internet pioneer that decided to sue Facebook on patent grounds rather than do a deal. Even if no one really know where AOL is moving on to. It could help the company invest more in its most promising operation, the Huffington Post. In that sense, it’s a chance for CEO Tim Armstrong to double down on what’s working.

* It keeps 300 patents, including a number related to advertising. Ads are really its only hope for survival, so the opportunity not only to license out some of those patents but also use them in its business with less fear of legal challenges from much bigger rivals, is a big plus.

Who knows if Armstrong will use these proceeds and other benefits to save the company? Nothing seems to have worked so far. But this gives him a little more time and money to try.

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