Swimsuit season is here and the heat is on. Crank up your body's fat-burning power—even while you snooze—with this cutting-edge plan t...
Summer Body Shape-Up
Want to go from winter flab to summer fab? That's what 43-year-old Kim Hampsey and 18 other women did when they tried this revolutionary workout (and followed a healthy eating plan). They lost up to 11 pounds and 8 inches in just 4 weeks. Hampsey kept it up for 8 more weeks and shed a total of 20 pounds. After shunning swimsuits for about 20 years, she's ready to wear one this summer.
Get tight and toned in half the time with the Women's Health 15-Minute Belly, Butt & Thighs Workouts DVD
The key to this unique plan, developed with Fabio Comana, an exercise physiologist with the American Council on Exercise, is its one-two punch. Part 1 trains your body to burn more fat—even when you're sleeping—while Part 2 revs up your calorie burn for faster weight loss.
10 Ways to Crush Even More Calories
So pull out your shorts and swimsuit for inspiration and get started—you could be shopping for smaller sizes by the end of the month!
Turn Up Your Fat Burn Plan
You'll do each of the high-powered workouts 2 days a week.
Sample Weekly Schedule
You can move the workouts to different days, but don't do both workouts on the same day, and don't do the same routine on back-to-back days.
Day 1 Cardio Intervals
Day 2 Rest
Day 3 Strength Circuit
Day 4 Rest
Day 5 Cardio Intervals
Day 6 Rest
Day 7 Strength Circuit
25 Ways to Flatten Your Belly Before Summer
2 Days a Week
Fat is one of two key sources of fuel your body relies on for energy; the other is glucose (stored carbs). Most of us burn about equal amounts of each when we're sleeping or sitting around. But the fitter you are, the more fat you burn at rest—up to 70%.
You can rev your fat-burning power by raising your ventilatory threshold 1 (VT1), the point at which you're exercising hard enough that your body shifts from using primarily fat for energy to using primarily glucose. To do this, you need to work out just past this point—a bit out of your comfort zone but not so hard that you're gasping for air (that's closer to your VT2, when you're burning almost all glucose).
How it Works Warm up for 3 minutes at an easy pace (you can carry on a conversation). Next, pick up the intensity for a hard VT1 interval (you should be breathing hard but able to speak in short sentences). Recover at a moderate intensity (you should be breathing normally and able to speak in full sentences). Repeat hard/recovery intervals 3 times, as shown below.
Week 1 3 minutes hard/4 minutes recovery
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Week 2 4 minutes hard/4 minutes recovery
Week 3 5 minutes hard/4 minutes recovery
Week 4 5 minutes hard/3 minutes recovery
SEARCH: Cardio workouts for women
2 Days a Week
This nonstop strength routine burns about 25% more calories than traditional weight lifting, which usually includes longer breaks. The higher intensity can boost your metabolism for up to 38 hours postworkout. (Related: Best Metabolism-Boosting Foods)
How it Works Warm up by marching in place for 3 minutes and doing 5 reps of that day's exercises without dumbbells. Then pick up your weights and do 10 to 12 reps (unless otherwise noted) of each exercise in the order given, taking a 15-second rest between moves. That's 1 circuit. Do 2 or 3 circuits, resting for a minute after each. For best results, always engage your core muscles to stabilize your torso before beginning each exercise.
Fit Tip You should use dumbbells that are very challenging to lift as you do the final reps of each exercise. If you feel as if you could do more than the recommended number of reps, you need a heavier weight. The amount of weight you lift may vary, depending on the exercise.
Base Moves
Dumbbell Lunge
Dumbbell Row
Overhead PressLunge with Curl
Dumbbell Straight-Leg Deadlift
Standing Dumbbell Curl
Modified Pushup
Dumbbell Squat
Triceps Kickback
I did it! "I used to feel still bending over to put my pants on. Now I feel younger when I wake up in the morning." —Pam Garin, 49, lost nearly 9 pounds, plus 1 inch off her hips
Base moves are combined to work more muscles simultaneously for a higher calorie burn
Deadlift Press
Lunge with Curl
Kneeling Pushup Row
Side-to-Side Crunch
Kickback Squat
I did it! "I used to be gasping when I jogged in the park, and now I can breathe a lot easier." —Laura Goldy, 49, lost nearly 6 pounds, plus 2 inches off her waist
Balance challenges are added to strengthen and tone core
Lunge with Curl and Knee Lift
Kneeling Pushup Row
Kickback Squat with Heel Lift
Single-leg Deadlift Press
I did it! "I'm wearing pants I haven't been able to get into in over a year, and everyone says I look better in my swimsuit." —Lisa Miller, 64, lost nearly 8 1/2 pounds and almost 5 inches
Some jumps are added to activate fast-twitch muscle fibers and rev your metabolism
Side-to-Side Crunch
Single-leg Deadlift Press
Lunge with Curl and Knee Lift
Body-Weight Jump Squat
I did it! "When I had to go to a black tie event, I pulled out a dress from my closet that was a full size smaller than I usually wore. I put it on and it looked amazing!" —Leslie Kingston, 52, lost almost 11 pounds
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