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RG3 trademarks name, nicknames (BLOG)

When the Washington Redskins drafted Robert Griffin III with the second pick of the NFL Draft, they knew they had their new franchise quar...

When the Washington Redskins drafted Robert Griffin III with the second pick of the NFL Draft, they knew they had their new franchise quarterback.

The team sees dollar signs in their new quarterback, and Griffin shares that same sentiment.

Shortly after being drafted, Griffin hired an attorney and created an LLC, named Thr3escompany, according to a report by USA Today. 

Griffin also went on to trademark "RGIII," "RG3," "Robert Griffin III," and the term "Unbelievably Believable," a report on said.

If anyone is going to make any money off of Griffin, it is going to be himself.

It is expected that this new company will sell merchandise featuring his branding.

There is no word yet on where this merchandise might be sold, but there's a chance it could end up on the shelves of his alma mater.

Washington Redskins hats were seen last week at the Baylor University bookstore, mixed with other Baylor merchandise.

The Redskins are using their new prized possession to strike right in the middle of Dallas Cowboys country.

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