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Vogue bans too-thin, underage fashion models as unhealthy (BLOG)

Vogue pledges to set a new standard: bans too-thin, underage fashion models from its pages. Modeling advocates applaud the decision as pro...

Vogue pledges to set a new standard: bans too-thin, underage fashion models from its pages. Modeling advocates applaud the decision as progress for improving unhealthy standards in the industry.

The controversy that has surrounded weight and models has taken an interesting turn. Vogue, possibly the most influential fashion magazine, has chosen a side on the issue. As far as Vogue is concerned, too thin and too young is no longer acceptable for models that they use in their fashion spreads.

Vogue Editors have met and made a pact amongst themselves. They will be asking their casting staff to be more vigilant during casting calls and not hiring models who seem to be under the age of 16 or appear to be unhealthy.

American, French, Chinese and British editions of the fashion glossies are among those that will start following the new guidelines with their June issues; the Japanese edition will begin with its July book.

“Vogue believes that good health is beautiful. Vogue Editors around the world want the magazines to reflect their commitment to the health of the models who appear on the pages and the well-being of their readers,” said Conde Nast International Chairman Jonathan Newhouse in a statement.

Models who don’t appear to be of age or give signs of eating disorders will be questioned before any offers are mode to them.

Vogue’s pact will have an impact on the fashion world where it is all about looks, but it is yet to be seen if other fashions magazines will decide to follow suit.

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