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Breaking the Fast Food Habit (BLOG)

ABC News Health and Wellness editor Dave Zinczenko and Executive Chef Bradley Herron are going to show you how to make a dinner for a fa...

ABC News Health and Wellness editor Dave Zinczenko and Executive Chef Bradley Herron are going to show you how to make a dinner for a family of four for only $12.
They’re in Miami, to show one family the secret to beating the take-out habit and make cheaper and healthier meals at home.
It all starts in the grocery store where Herron shares his tips to get the highest-quality food at the lowest price.
When you’re in the grocery store, choose items sold in their entirety, like whole chickens and vegetables. They will be less expensive than items that have been pre-cut if you’re willing to take a few extra minutes chopping.
Also, look for ingredients that are in season. Not because it’s cool or trendy but because when fruits and vegetables are abundant, the stores want to sell them quickly, so not only will they be the highest quality, they will be less expensive.
On this trip, Herron, chef at Miami’s Michael’s Genuine Food and Drink, made a braised fish dish with a salad of raw shaved vegetables in only 20 minutes.
This is part of ABC World News’ week-long “Real Money” series to save families money.
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