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Phil Robertson defender Sarah Palin admits to not having read his interview (BLOG)

After Phil Robertson, the patriarch of "Duck Dynasty," made controversial remarks about homosexuality that were published in G...

After Phil Robertson, the patriarch of "Duck Dynasty," made controversial remarks about homosexuality that were published in GQ magazine,  former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin spoke out in his defense.
However, when asked by Fox News host Greta Van Susteren if Robertson's remarks were offensive and whether or not she had any objection as to how he worded his comments, Palin said she didn't know what Robertson had actually said, Politico reports.
“I haven’t read the article. I don’t know exactly how he said it,” Palin explained on Fox News’s “On the Record With Greta Van Susteren" on Monday.
On December 18, shortly after the "Duck Dynasty" controversy began, Palin took to Facebook where she wrote, "Free speech is an endangered species. Those 'intolerants' hatin and taking on the Duck Dynasty patriarch for voicing his personal opinion are taking on all of us."

Palin's comment drew over 428,000 likes on the social network. Robertson's original comments in GQ expressed his opinions on homosexuality, including that he sees it as sinfin, akin to bestiality.
"'Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men,' he says. Then he paraphrases Corinthians: 'Don't be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don't deceive yourself. It's not right.'"
Robertson also made some graphic comments about homosexuals.
Again, via
"It seems like, to me, a vagina—as a man—would be more desirable than a man's anus," Robertson was quoted as saying. "That's just me. I'm just thinking: There's more there! She's got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I'm saying?"
An online petition seeking Robertson's reinstatement on the A&E reality show has over 200,000 signatures. On Saturday, restaurant chain Cracker Barrel pulled all "Duck Dynasty" merchandise from its shelves. However, a day later, the restaurant reversed course after customers threatened a boycott.
"'When we made the decision to remove and evaluate certain Duck Dynasty items, we offended many of our loyal customers,' a statement explained. 'You told us we made a mistake… You wrote, you called, and you took to social media to express your thoughts and feelings. You flat-out told us we were wrong. We listened. Today, we are putting all our Duck Dynasty products back in our stores. And we apologize for offending you.'"
Follow Mike Krumboltz on Twitter at @mikekrumboltz.

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