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Dunkin' Donuts Will Serve Peeps Doughnuts for Easter, Which Might Be the Greatest Food Invention Since the Cronut (BLOG)

Bold statement: Easter candy is the best holiday candy. We can argue about all that later, but for the purpose of this story, we are goi...

Bold statement: Easter candy is the best holiday candy. We can argue about all that later, but for the purpose of this story, we are going to believe that statement to be true. (Because it is.)
Dunkin' Donuts recently announced that starting March 31, they will be selling PEEPS® Donuts to celebrate the Easter season. And as you can tell by the delicious photo above, it's a pretty flower-shaped doughnut with a marshmallow Peep on top. 
Did you guys know that Peeps are our favorite candy of the best holiday candy variety? And we love doughnuts because we're not awful humans, so this combination is making us feel things in our hearts and stomach that make it hard to concentrate on much else until Monday. Because the only thing that could possibly improve a doughnut is putting a sugar-covered marshmallow on top.
There are two Peeps doughnut options: one with strawberry icing and green drizzle or one with green icing and strawberry drizzle. Personally, we prefer the bunny Peeps over the bird Peeps, but we understand that Dunkin' Donuts chose the bird for structural integrity. Probably.
Hm. We wonder if Dunkin' Donuts will let us bring a pack of Peeps in so we could get a double chocolate doughnut with a bunny Peep on top. Or a double-chocolate doughnut with a chocolate-covered Peep on top! Or two double-chocolate doughnuts with Peeps in the middle! A doughnut Peep sandwich!!! The possibilities are endless, and suddenly, everything is right in this world.
We salute you, Dunkin' Donuts, for taking a cue from Portlandia.
Portlandia GIF
What will these innovative people think of next?

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