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Over Seven Pounds of Cocaine Found Inside of Goat Meat at JFK International Airport (BLOG)

A man was caught with  over seven pounds of cocaine  stashed inside of three packages of frozen meat at  JFK International Airport , aut...

A man was caught with over seven pounds of cocaine stashed inside of three packages of frozen meat at JFK International Airport, authorities say. 
Yudishtir Maharaj was stopped at the airport on March 20 after returning from Port of Spain, Trinidad with three packages of frozen goat meat. Inside of the packages was a white powder that tested positive for cocaine. A total of 7.35 pounds of cocaine was removed from the meat, and the estimated street value is somewhere between $1.2 million and $1.8 million. 
Maharaj, who claimed to have no idea how that coke ended up packed inside of the meat, faces smuggling charges.
[via Gothamist]

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