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Omarion Arrested For Missed Court Appearance (HNHH)Omarion didn’t show up for a court date regardin...

(HNHH)Omarion didn’t show up for a court date regarding a traffic ticket, and was subsequently taken into custody today.

Apparently being a world famous R&B singer can’t get you out of a traffic ticket. Omarion ended up with the worst case scenario from such an offense today, as he was arrested and taken into custody when an officer realized he’d missed a court appearance regarding a traffic ticket.

The singer was pulled over after running a stop sign earlier today, and when the cop ran through his record, he found a warrant for O’s arrest, and took him in immediately.

The MMG crooner is now in custody, with bail set at $20,000.

(Hot New HipHop)

Omarion Arrested For Missed Court Appearance

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