(MILITARY)OKANOGAN, Wash. -- Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird. It's a plane. No, it's a phallic skydrawing, and a military a...
It's a bird.
It's a plane.
No, it's a phallic skydrawing, and a military aircraft may be the culprit.
Okanogan residents told The Spokesman-Review that they saw the male genitalia deliberately being drawn in the skies above their town by a jet around noon Thursday.
Images of the drawing were quickly posted to social media, residents said, and sent around town through text message.
According to TV news station KREM 2, Naval Air Station Whidbey Island has claimed responsibility for the drawing, telling the station in an email that it finds "this absolutely unacceptable, of zero training value and we are holding the crew accountable."
The Spokesman-Review's attempts to reach the Whidbey Island base's public information officer for further information were unsuccessful.
On Thursday night at The Club Sports Bar and Grill in Okanogan, a central Washington town of just 2,550 residents, locals shared a few laughs about the image they'd seen in the clouds.
Ramone Duran said he was running errands when he looked up and saw what he thought looked like the start of someone trying to draw a male member with jet contrails.
About five minutes later, Duran said, the drawing was complete.
"After it made the circles at the bottom, I knew what it was and started laughing," Duran said. "It was pretty funny to see that. You don't expect to see something like that."
Misty Waugh, a server and bartender at The Club, said she wasn't aware of the drawing until her 12-year-old son texted her a picture.
"I thought it was pretty funny, and so did he" she said. "A lot of people have been talking about it."
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