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This Restaurant Charges Customers Extra for Asking a 'Stupid Question'

Forget what your parents, teachers, doctors, and guidance counselors said growing up, there is such thing as a stupid question. And becaus...

Forget what your parents, teachers, doctors, and guidance counselors said growing up, there is such thing as a stupid question. And because you went your whole life believing otherwise, you've likely asked a lot of 'em. Luckily, Denver-based restaurant Tom's Diner is here to correct your mom and dad's mistake -- by charging you for it on your dinner bill.

A few weeks ago, Reddit user @humblemangoes shared a photo of the bill from their recent trip to the restaurant, showing charges for one side of mashed potatoes, one chicken tender basket, and one stupid question. Naturally, the internet took notice. And while some have suggested the incident is a hoax, turns out, "stupid questions" are listed right there on the menu under sides for 38 cents, which means this wasn't just a one-time thing.

"It's meant to be playful. It's good to keep things light in today's world," Manager Hunter Landry told TODAY Food. "When we have a good fun table that engages with us or when they ask about the charge, it's always fun to add it on."

It's basically prime time for the dad-jokesters out there. Landry says "are there any dues for the turkey club sandwich" and "Does the ice have any water in it" are among his favorite questions. "[The price] was 48 cents at one point, but we didn't want to gauge [sic] people," he told TODAY.

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